| What Inspires You? |


In this feature, each month artists share one thing that excites them creatively.

One key piece to support healthy, productive creativity is stimulating inputs. What kinds of things stimulate the creative centers of the brain? What kind of inputs stimulate us visually? Emotionally? Spiritually? Mentally? Physically?

I’d really like to know, what’s one thing that fills your creative cup? Share with us in the comment section below.


What Inspires You?
Dave Reid

I’m inspired by science (nanotechnology, for example), colour, other cultures, history (West coast native art is great), form and sky. Often one thing will lead to another; I’m working on some pictures for an upcoming show – one picture took an abrupt turn, which I followed and am now learning new aspects from this.

Dave Reid


What Inspires You?
Sean Glenn

Life is what inspires me: the authenticity of each emotional experience lends validity to each brush stroke. What inspires is sometimes the pain that comes with living, it’s joys, it’s sorrows, it’s triumphs and  it’s losses. What inspires me is love.

Sean Glenn




Responses to “What Inspires You?”

  1. Angela Anderson

    I am inspired by looking at various unconventional materials.I’ve never done conventional well. I find doing my own thing leads to more creativity. The more creative I am the more inspiration and confidence I get. My initial inspiration to get serious about painting came from my therapist. Somehow she knew creative expression would unlock a new world for me, and she was right. The good feeling I get inspires me because I want to keep this non-medicated good feeling going.

    • admin

      Wonderful, Angela! Hooray for good feelings initiated through the creative process. Wishing you continued growth with this rich process of art practice.


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